We’re only human.
I once believed in fairy tales. Thinking life’s supposed to be a smooth ride. And all around me I hear and see this belief driving people, striving for the perfect life. I hear preachers say God wants us to have a prosperous life: perfect health, perfect finances, perfect relationships, perfect careers. The Media and marketing companies shove this down our throats every day, adding the perfect body to this lie. Me me me me...
Then I look at my life and that’s not what I see. I remember the day we heard that our second daughter, Lara, has a deformed brain, and how devastated we were. I remember when my husband lost his job. Twice. And how in between all of this I fell pregnant with our fourth daughter - a challenging but eventually pleasant surprise😊!
I look around me and see friends and family suffering from illness, with finances, losing a loved one, not falling pregnant, trying to cope with mental disease, being cheated on by a spouse, losing a job, the list goes on.
Those who know me know that since Lara came into my life there’s only one place I search for answers to this life’s hard questions. My Bible. What does God say?
What I find there is the assurance that this life WILL be hard. BUT!!! There’s always a BUT or an IF with God. A promise. Jesus said: In this world you WILL have trouble, BUT take heart, I have overcome this world...I see that the journey of followers of Christ is about identifying with Him in His suffering and death. And then rejoicing in His resurrection.(Rom 6:1-14)
Over and over I have been in situations where I had to die to my dreams, plans, will and ideas. Not an easy thing to do because my flesh is so strong, it DOESN’T want to die😁. It wants what it wants.
BUT the amazing thing is when I choose to give up what I want, and I follow His example THEN I am living as a new creation in Christ. If Jesus had to think about His comfort and a smooth path He would never have died for us.
Our hope for a great life shouldn’t be focused on having it all now. Our hope is in Christ and being set free eternally. And OF COURSE there’s more. Jesus healed the sick and did many miracles. And He tells us to pray for the sick and for miracles in His Name. BUT sometimes He doesn’t heal...And that’s okay with me because my hope is in spending eternity with God, not being physically perfect on earth.
Let’s look away from the mirror and our lives and look at H I M .
Life’s not perfect. BUT God is.